With lemon attaining a can cause skin allergies That their household lemon at attaining, resulting in skin allergies. So, what happened? I heard the fresh lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, can whitening, a netizen recently bought several slices of lemon, directly deposited on the face. Over the past few days, not only did not reach the expected effect, but the skin redness and swelling, www.wholesale-maccosmetics.net itching incomparable. The hospital inspection, photosensitive dermatitis was told she had. A senior Department of dermatology experts remind, lemon contains large amounts of organic acid, the organic acid containing the photosensitive material, attached to the skin and light, easy to cause the pigmentation, causing skin irritation and other allergic reaction. Mac Cosmetics Wholesale At the same time, because the lemon has strong acidity, easy to burn the skin. So the doctor also suggested that, in addition to a slice of lemon, tomato, cucumber, fresh fruits and vegetables are not without treatment directly at attaining. Once the skin allergy phenomenon, immediately wash with water or saline, if the symptoms have not been eliminated, should be timely to go to hospital for treatment. It seems that we too easy to follow, http://macmakeupwholesalertv.webmium.com/ whether it is lemon attaining a mask at home or do manual, be careful of pathogen your skin, skin allergies should immediately go to hospital for treatment.


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