
Insist on doing two actions can delay the bags under the eyes pouch effect how Bags under the eyes is divided into temporary and permanent bags under the eyes, bags under the eyes, bags under the eyes is temporary because of lack of sleep, body fluid transient caused excessive use of eyes, kidney disease, pregnancy, menstruation is not moved, bedtime drink too much and cause accumulation, can be improved by some nursing measures. And permanent bags under the eyes is caused because of the age, wholesale mac cosemtics the orbicularis muscle hypertrophy, genetic and other reasons, once the permanent pouch, can only be removed by surgery operation. Temporary pouch will increase with age, more and more obvious. Due to thin eyelid skin, subcutaneous tissue thin and loose, it is prone to edema, if not strictly control any of their further aging, skin and subcutaneous tissue from will lead to higher orbit expansion of adipose tissue, the lower eyelid fat, produce bags under the eyes and eyelids drooping, this kind of phenomenon is very easy to make people become old and gaunt. The following teach you a very simple actions, as long as we do every day, can effectively delay production of bags under the eyes. 1 as far as possible the eyes, upper, lower eyelid consciously do close action, insist on doing 100 times a day, can make the eyelid muscle contraction and relaxation of the appropriate, eliminate muscle tension, restore its elasticity. At the same time also can promote lymph circulation, to avoid the accumulation of body fluids. 2 note in the closed eyelids, need a little bit strength, but also can not drive the eyebrow and facial muscles move together, otherwise prone to fine wrinkles.

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